
Monthly Training Grant Breakfasts

Selected Wednesdays at 9:00 AM (unless otherwise noted)

January 10, 2024

Topic: Discussing controversies: sex as a binary? Paper discussion and conversation, led by Troy Smith (IU Biology) and Greg Demas (IU Biology). Details forthcoming, but we are likely to suggest these two papers as a springboard for conversation: (1) Goymann et al., 2022 BioEssays ‘Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles’, and (2) McLaughlin, Brock, et al., ICB 2023 ‘Multivariate Models of Animal Sex: Breaking Binaries Leads to a Better Understanding of Ecology and Evolution’

February 14, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Matthew Baggetta, Associate Professor at IU’s O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs

Topic: Professional development for Scientists: “How Teams Achieve Goals: Relationships, Structures, and Leadership”

This will be useful to faculty and trainees as we seek productive, high functioning teams, within our labs or with collaborators.

March 20, 2024 **Note new date!**

Speaker: Dr. Kim Rosvall, Associate Professor of Biology

Topic: “How does nature build an aggressive female?”

Kim will talk about her just-finished project that uses a neuro-transcriptomic approach in 10 bird species, to examine whether evolution uses the same or different mechanisms to bring about convergent evolution of complex behaviors in male and female animals.

April 3, 2024

Trainee Data Blitz, Swapping Roles. What better way to learn to communicate across our common themes than to present research that’s not your own? Come learn about our trainees’ (Erica Nadolski, Ellie Shell, Jessica Short, Nikki Stark) research in this unique flash-talk format. 

May 1, 2024

Speaker: Justin Garcia, Professor of Gender Studies, Executive Director of the Kinsey Institute at IU

Topic: “Challenges and solutions related to the politics of sex research”

Join us for a bit of history and a conversation led by Justin, about the politics of doing research on sex, reproduction, and other ‘controversial’ topics in America.

See also