
Are you interested in…

  • why males and females differ in behavior, physiology or morphology?
  • how environment, development, physiology and genetics contribute to sex and gender differences?
  • how responses to sickness or injury differ among sexes, as well as the larger issues of sexual and reproductive health

If so, you are a candidate for our research training group entitled,
“Common Themes in Reproductive Diversity”

As Director, I am happy to invite your participation in a training grant awarded to Indiana University by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Child Health and Human Development that focuses on sex, gender and reproduction. The NIH recently renewed the award for five additional years of funding to continue this highly successful program.

We welcome inquiries from pre- and postdoctoral students interested in studying the development, evolution and expression of behaviors associated with reproduction. We are especially focused on differences between the sexes, maternal and paternal influences on offspring development, and the links between sex and gender. (Read more about currently open positions here).

Our group includes 20 training faculty and 5 affiliated faculty belonging to 9 units that award PhDs: the Departments of Anthropology, Biology, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Applied Health Sciences, Psychological and Brain Sciences, and Gender Studies, as well as the Programs in Cognitive Science, Medical Sciences, and Neuroscience. Other essential participants in the training group include the Animal Behavior Program, The Kinsey Institute, and the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics.

We currently support 4 predoctoral and 2 postdoctoral trainees. Please look us over and let us know if we can answer your questions.

Dale Sengelaub